Ray Wang for Cupertino City Council

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Events: Why We Deserve Better Rally

A Resident Focused Majority Is What’s at Stake For This Election



I know many of you know me in my role on the Planning Commission and as chair in 2019 and 2021. Together we worked on many great projects from the opening of the Veranda, to the approval of Westport and other hotels planned in the area.  We helped enact a bird safe and dark skies program.  We helped to add park land to Lawrence Mitty on the east side.  We assisted with safe routes to school for kids. A lot of good work has been accomplished.

In my day job, I’m a global technology analyst and advisor to many large global 2000 companies.  I help them figure out how to apply technology to improve their business. That could mean better customer experience, improved employee experiences, cost savings, or new business strategies.  I’ve also written 2 best-selling books in business and in the middle of writing a 3rd one talking about the Post AI revolution.  I have the pleasure of giving 50 to 80 speeches a year to a wide variety of corporations and even at Davos during the World Economic Forum. You may have seen me on TV on CNBC, Fox Business, Bloomberg, BBC, Economic Times, and Yahoo Finance commenting on business and technology companies.

I want to apply those business experiences and exposure to many best practices to my work on the council.

I also have a background in health policy and management with a Bachelors and Masters in Public Health. The experiences working on public policy from a healthcare perspective to community outreach, help inform both a short-term need and a long-term policy design.

I can put these experiences to work to help Cupertino achieve its full potential as part of a resident focused majority.


Candidate Ray Wang addressing supporters at the "We deserve better" rally outside City Hall on August 30th.  Photos by Benjamin Zhang

Now back to the campaign and where we are today…

What we’ve heard today is an amazing outpouring of passion and support for a resident focused majority.  We’ve seen what happens when residents are no longer prioritized or in charge.   It’s chaos, it’s wasteful, it leads to higher taxes, less services, and lower quality of life.

This is why we must win back the majority.  

I want you all to say out loud - “We deserve better!”

In canvassing neighborhoods with Kitty and speaking with Cupertino residents in 1:1’s and online, there is a general sense we are fortunate to live in a very special place and we have an opportunity to help Cupertino achieve it’s full potential. We always ask the people we meet a few questions. When asked about what they love about living in Cupertino, it’s always about the people, the safety, and the high quality of life.

To achieve a better quality of life, we have to work hard to create retail and entertainment options, improve public safety, and add the right mix of housing to our community. 

“What do we deserve? Better quality of life!

But none of this can happen without the basics.  To build for the future, we must have a sound economic plan AND we have to be vigilant about fiscal accountability.  We’re about to lose our Apple Tax deal.  The developers of Vallco shut down our retail tax base.  Kitty found 48 million lying around in a Wells Fargo account not earning 5% interest for several years! We had 28 FTE’s sitting around idle.  They tell us we don’t have enough money, well, we’ve squandered it and this council has spent or given up almost $250 million to developers, consultants, and waste.

“What do we deserve? Better fiscal accountability!

Our economic development committee was cancelled, more than half of our commission meetings have been cancelled. 

This current council majority has not done the work but we will!

I plan to do the homework, ask the hard questions. Kitty has consistently shown you how she does the work and ask the questions you would want to ask from a governance perspective. How has she been rewarded? She’s been shut down. She’s not allowed to exercise her first amendment rights for a public records act request.

Together, we can overcome these challenges with hard working council members that hold staff and consultants accountable and conduct meetings at their scheduled time because

 “What do we deserve? Better city government!

In our canvassing efforts we have talked to a few people held at gunpoint at the Chase ATM on DeAnza, residents who have lost their catalytic converters, more than a dozen who have had their homes robbed, and others who know someone who’s had their jewelry snatched from their bodies in broad day light. 

We know it’s worse outside of Cupertino but that’s not the city we know.  While our Sheriff’s have very good response rates, we need to prioritize public safety and partner with the sheriff’s to improve our neighborhood watch program.s

  “What do we deserve? Better public safety!

Cupertino City Council meetings are non-partisan but the divide is simple. This election is about resident focused vs special interest focused. 

Will you vote for the candidates who take their orders from special interest groups and lobbyists who want to turn our city into a financial, public safety, and quality of life chaos? or do you believe that your candidates should work for the residents first and foremost?

You deserve better!

Cupertino deserves better!

  “What do we deserve?
We all deserve better!

My fellow Cupertino residents, this is an easy choice.  There are only two candidates that are resident focused and have a track record of standing up for you!

I’m running so that we can take back the majority and that’s why I seek your support for Kitty and Me to bring the council back to a resident focused majority.

We deserve better!

Please vote:
Number 1 (Kitty Moore) and
Number 5 (Ray Wang)
on your ballot statements.

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