News: In Support Of Residents In Linda Vista and Scofield Drive

September 4th, 2023 City Oral Communications 


I’m Ray Wang and I am here to support the residents of the Linda Vista and Scofield neighborhoods in their opposition to developments in which they have had no input.  These are single family home neighborhoods and these developments are out of character for the neighborhood. 

Our residents deserve better!

As your former planning commissioner and chair in 2019 and 2021, I SUPPORT resident input in developments. While we have special interests tonight leveling misinformation and false accusations in their predictable lobbying campaign, let’s not waste our time on that.

The facts clearly show that  ALL THREE housing element submissions are on this current council’s watch and this majority council submitted the Housing Elements late which is why we are here today.  

To make right to these residents, at Linda Vista we should deny the Vista Heights project on environmental and fire hazard considerations. For Evulich we should ensure a full CEQA review.  At Scofield, there are three Heritage Oaks and that should be protected by CEQA.

Council works for residents, not the other way around and today you have an opportunity to right the many wrongs made in the Housing Element process and stop telling the public this is out of your control because of State Laws. 

Use the local control you have left to do good.

Please agendize these items so you have proper resident input.

We deserve better!

Please vote:
Number 1 (Kitty Moore) and
Number 5 (Ray Wang)
on your ballot.

© 2024 R “Ray Wang For Cupertino City Council 2024


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Cupertino City Watch: The Truth About The Housing Element - This 2023- 2024 Majority Council’s Failure To Submit On Time Led To Builder’s Remedy Projects