A Need For Change

Cupertino faces a massive budget crisis fueled by wasteful spending, cuts to resident services, and loss of transparency around major decisions such as the location of our city hall. Council priorities no longer align with the community’s needs. They are beholden to special interests and consistently ignore residents. Playing politics and more gamesmanship is not the solution. We need competence and a willingness to do real work.

In his pledge to Cupertino, Ray Wang will always work to: 

  • Put residents’ interests ahead of special interests, especially outside and fringe minority interests that place a fiscal and quality of life burden on the majority of residents

  • Actively engage with the greater community including businesses and under-represented groups to find sustainable solutions for both the short-term and long-term benefit of our City

  • Ensure fiscal accountability, transparency, and stewardship of taxpayer dollars

  • Actively seek resident input in key policy decisions

  • Reset the power dynamic where staff and elected officials are accountable to the residents and serve as authentic public servants

Read Ray’s vision and see if you agree:

A Vision for Cupertino

Ray Wang Cupertino Planning Commission.png

Ray Wang Works for Cupertino

Too often, politics are controlled by people who know how to politic, but don’t know how to do the work. Ray Wang brings a unique confluence of local knowledge and business expertise to Cupertino. He is a globally-renowned tech expert and founder/CEO of his own advisory firm. Ray understands how to motivate teams and lead successful, profitable organizations.

Ray Wang Cupertino Television

In public life, Ray will continue to stand up for real work and real accountability, no matter how many political attacks are thrown at him by special interests who fail to do the actual work. This is the integrity needed to ensure everyone’s success.

Together, we can restore resident interests and fiscal accountability to Cupertino.

Donate to Ray Wang for Cupertino City Council.


Checks can be written to:
R “Ray” Wang for Cupertino City Council 2024 and mailed to:

Ray Wang
21701 Stevens Creek
PO Box 12
Cupertino, CA 95015